Sunday, May 12, 2013

Scrum Team Member Golden Rules

Software development

"Note, these rules could be passed to different type of projects."

  •  Check on daily basis the logs of the system in production, test, staging and CI (Continuous Integration) test platform environments. 
A product in use is exposed to all kind of conditions, which you cannot predict during the development and the test team might overseen it.
As the product-owner will fill the backlog by listening to user stories, by the system generated logs will reveal important information (bugs and quirks) which also should be written to the backlog. The information in the system logs will match some user stories, but you will be then earlier aware of the problems. This is a must have if there is no test team.
  •  Everyday early in the morning at 9:00 or 10:00 AM have an actively stand-up meeting with the team members. Every member should ask the following questions and answer them:
    •  What did you reached since last stand-up?
    • What are you planning todo today?
    • Are there any problems?
  • Collaborate by sharing your work as soon as possible with the team members. This is, before going public, not only a back-up for your work but also feedback from your colleagues to improve your work in a short time of period.
    • Dare to share as soon as possible
    • Become 1 with the team you are working with
    • Manage only your own work, don't be a boss, become a "leader" by helping other team members.
To ease this, sub-revision with sharing, process the software developers use revision tools like SVN or Git software. These systems are much better than sharing a spreadsheet on a network location.
  •  Label your work every 1 day to maximum 4 days. Your work should have milestones, probably sequential numbers, and save this with a name. Like v3091, v3093, v3095. 
  • Stick on your short time project (Sprint) and stay focused only to that project. Be aware, multi-tasking does not exists.
  • Communicate the obstructions and impedance as soon as possible. 
  • Look back (retrospective) to events, responses and adapt yourself to the world.
  • The only real golden rule is "getting your work done".
    • Overcome your procrastination.
Scrum Team Member Golden Rules image

Scrum elements on a single image

Scrum elements on a single image

Scrum elements on a single image

Social Business versus Agile Business comparison

Differences Between Agile and Social Business Process 

  • Agile is self-organizing, while social tends to be emergent.
  • Agile forces to work in a short iteration cycle, while social business is driven by motivational collaboration cycles.
  • Agile needs to be transparent and social is transparent after there is a communication on going.
  • Agile business contributed by teams, a social method contributed by anyone
  • Managing project in Agile is managing the process, while in Social this is community management.
  • Agile is prepared to changes and respond to changes, Social highly influenced by sentiments
  • Agile work process acts continuous, Social acts real time
  • Agile is the method to process, Social is the Business to process
  • Agile needs to be always working, Social is always current

Similarities Between Agile and Social Business Process

While there are differences agile methods and social business have ultimately similarities in many threads.
  • Sharing
  • Open processes
  • Primary unit is value and observable
  • Rapid and continuous change
  • Decentralization
Social Business versus Agile Business comparison image